We M/s. Laby Instruments Industry are the original manufacturers of Laboratory Instruments as mentioned in our price list and catalogue. Laby is our Registered Trade Mark. We are also registered with registrar of firm vide registration no. 12345678 Dt. 15 September 08.

Our works is situated in Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt, Haryana. We are having super specialization in all the instruments mentioned in our catalogue/price list and are originally manufactured by us. We commit excellent quality, workmanship and reliability in the working of instruments and after sale services.

Ours is ISO:9001 and ISO:13485 certified company and unit is GMP. We are also registered as S.S.I unit with G. M. Industry, Govt. of Haryana, Ambala, vide Registration no. 060021100297 dt. 16.07.2010. Further we have CE certification on the products.

Our web address is www.labyindia.com. From our website you can download our catalogue, above said certificates and upcoming exhibitions in which we are participating.

We also certify that we are producing all the motors used in our centrifuge machines in our own state of art motor manufacturing plant and all models are guaranteed for long life span.

Designing of our machines is totally done by us in our factory and production is being done thru hundreds of our own dies and moulds which includes ABS injection moulding dies, cutting dies, aluminum pressure casting dies and aluminum gravity casting dies.

We have in house facility of electronic assembly.

We are doing regular R and D in our manufacturing unit and coming up with some more new products in the year 2016 like centrifuges - floor models, Blood Bag centrifuges, Midi Electrophoresis, dual vertical electrophoresis etc. etc.

We hope, you will promote us with your valued supply orders and we assure you with our best possible attentions at all times.

Best regards
Mahesh Singal
(C.E.O) Mb : 9215730200